Real Talk about Weight Loss

Real Talk about Weight Loss | Lose Weight and Keep it Off?

Weight loss & weight management can be difficult & stressful, but the doctors of Red Mountain are here to provide guidance & helpful tips, tricks, and resources! Healthy & Happy

Live the Red Mountain Way.

In this episode of Real Talk About Weight Loss hosted by Carey Pena, Emmy award-winning news anchor & journalist, Dr. Suzanne Bentz, Dr. Kim Feinstein, and Dr. Shelly Messer talk about the most frequently asked topics regarding how to lose weight and keep it off.


For more from our doctors’ Real Talk series be sure to check out these related tips and resources and take control of your health:

For more information about our exclusive, proven weight loss programs, call 800.239.7830 or click here to request an appointment online.

Coping with Life in a Healthy Way

We know obesity is at an epidemic proportion today and for a reason. Managing weight can be difficult – especially on our own – and while coping with stressful and emotional times in our life.

This transformation and weight loss series aims to inspire people to take control.

We talk about:

  • Why/how do patients turn to food to cope with problems?
  • What to do instead of emotional/stress eating.
  • Tips for better self-control.
  • How to make a plan that works.

Journalist Carey Pena conducts this round table discussion with the experts from Red Mountain Weight Loss:

  1. Dr. Suzanne Bentz, the Chief Medical Officer and Founder of Red Mountain Weight Loss
  2. Dr. Kim Feinstein, Licensed Clinical Psychologist, and Behavioral Weight Loss Specialist
  3. Dr. Shelly Kocher is a board-certified Obstetrician, Gynecologist, and Medical Director at Red Mountain.

Connect With Red Mountain Weight Loss: for more information @

In the meantime, enjoy 5 tips you can use now to lose weight and keep it off!

1. Eat more vegetables, every meal, every day

According to the CDC, 9/10 adults don’t get enough fruits or vegetables, which is a shocking statistic, considering vegetables are a great source of vitamins, minerals, and fiber. Plus, vegetables are low-calorie and low-fat, ultimately making you feel fuller and worry-free about the extra calories. Add a serving of vegetables to each of your daily meals.

2. Eat a breakfast of champions

Not a breakfast person? It might be time to become one. By eating breakfast, you can rev up your metabolism, feel fuller throughout the day, reduce cravings and snacking, and allow your body more time to burn calories. Remember to eat a healthy breakfast, and opt for protein and fiber when designing your breakfast meals.

3. Skip sugar…and sugary beverages

According to NBC News, Americans consume more than 19 teaspoons of sugar a day, when the recommended amount is 6 for women and 9 for men! Sugar lengthens your waistline because it lacks nutrients, and so you’re essentially consuming empty calories, and consuming even more because the empty calories don’t allow you to feel as ‘full’ as whole foods. In addition, a sneaky culprit of sugar is sugary beverages. Monitor your intake of soda, juice, tea, coffee, and alcoholic beverages like cocktails. A drink of each during a meal, three times a day, adds up to an additional 400-600 calories daily.

4. Skip emotional eating, practice mindful eating instead

Emotional eating is more common than you think, and the cliché of the movie star eating a pint of ice cream when they are sad is pretty relatable. Whether you emotionally eat when you’re stressed, anxious, sad, tired, lonely, or bored, you can overcome emotional eating. Start keeping a food diary to monitor your moods and eating times, eat slowly to monitor when you start feeling full, and experiment with new flavors to enhance the experience of healthy eating.

5. Redesign your food environment

Your environment definitely influences your food choices. Cooking at home and meal prepping is key to weight loss success. When you go out to eat, you’re not only susceptible to temptation but you’re also faced with larger portion sizes and sugary options. Serve yourself smaller potions at home, and meal prep at least once a week. Try new Red Mountain recipes.

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