Exercise, How Exercising Helps You Lose Weight Through Mindset Psychology

How Exercise Helps Lose Weight Through Mindset and Psychology

The majority of the time, one method of weight loss is insufficient. To significantly lose weight, you must also cut calories and engage in regular activity in addition to reducing your food intake.

 In fact, a study by Hassane Zouhal and colleagues claimed that exercising during a fasting state can result in faster weight loss.

One of the workouts you can add to your weight-loss routine is cardio exercises. In our previous post on ‘Flat Stomach, 5 Effective Methods to Get the Best Result’, we mentioned that cardio exercises improve your health and burn plenty of calories at the same time. In addition, studies found that it can empower your midsection and reduce belly fat. Besides the usual physical benefits of exercise, physical activity also has mental advantages that influence your attitude toward weight loss.

Here are four ways exercise helps you lose weight using the power of psychology:

Decreased stress levels

Stress can cause high blood pressure, exhaustion, headaches, and even impact your weight. When you experience stress, your body releases natural steroid hormones known as glucocorticoids. Research by Elina Akalestou and colleagues explained that high glucocorticoid levels affect the function of your vital metabolic organs, which are responsible for helping you lose weight. Moreover, you are more likely to eat high-calorie foods in large amounts when stressed as a coping mechanism.

The good news is that exercising can decrease your stress levels. It’s because exercise forces your body’s central and sympathetic nervous systems to communicate with one another, improving your body’s overall ability to respond to stress. So exercising to reduce stress will also let you lose weight.

Improved sense of well-being

Your well-being and mood also influence your weight. An article by Monique Brouillette on depression and weight shared that people who are depressed are more prone to obesity. It’s because they are less motivated to exercise and more inclined to eat more food to compensate for dull or absent pleasure. As a result, they will quickly gain and have a hard time losing weight.

Exercise can lower your risk of depression because physical activity is scientifically proven to improve your mood. Physical activity induces endorphin levels, your body’s “feel good” hormones, which produce feelings of happiness and euphoria. If you are happy, you are more likely to perform activities that keep you active, like exercising. Even exercising moderately throughout the week can significantly improve your well-being and lead you to achieve weight-loss goals.

Increased self-confidence

How you feel about yourself and your body impacts your motivation to lose weight. An article by Maryville University on exercise psychology demonstrates that meeting exercise goals and getting into shape can help individuals feel more positive about themselves. If you regularly perform workout routines and see significant improvements in your endurance and physique, this can improve your perceptions of competence and physical acceptance. In turn, this would foster increased levels of self-esteem and confidence.

The more confident you are that you can attain your weight-loss goals, the more motivated you will be to keep exercising to maintain your desired physique. Remember that change starts with yourself. If you don’t believe in yourself, you’ll experience more difficulty realizing your weight-loss goals.

Better sleep

Lastly, studies show that shorter sleep is associated with higher body weight and disrupts weight loss. A report by Emma Sweeney and Ian Walshe discussed how poor sleep increases and decreases your levels of ghrelin and leptin hormones, the two essential appetite hormones in our body. Higher levels of ghrelin and lower levels of leptin can increase appetite, making calorie restriction more challenging to adhere to, and may cause you to overeat.

But if you exercise regularly, you’ll be able to have a good night’s sleep. It’s because physical activity increases your body temperature, which can have a calming effect on your mind, leading to better sleep quality. Exercise also helps regulate your circadian rhythm, your body’s built-in alarm clock that controls when you feel tired and alert.

" I'm like every other girl. I’ve had to try really hard my whole life to be fit."

AUTHOR BIO: Alicia Dale is a freelance writer and fitness enthusiast. As a regular meditator and gym rat, she believes that the mind and body should work together to achieve optimal health. Besides writing blogs, she shares her knowledge by conducting workout classes.

This content is written by Alicia Dale For the exclusive use of watchurdiet.com blog.

However, We would also like to extend a special thanks, to Alicia Dale for this article. [email protected].

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See also, Cycling For Weight Loss: 15 Tips To Make Your Workout Count. Continue reading. >

This Post Has 4 Comments

  1. Kevin Rai

    Great article, all of the mental benefits was written in detail. I learned a lot of key information by the end!

    1. William

      Hi Kevin,

      Thank you for your comment, we really love the information shared….

      Your feedback is highly appreciated. Thank you.

  2. Sara Hansen

    I never knew that exercise can be beneficial to weight loss psychologically. This was interesting and helpful to learn about!

    1. William

      Hello Sara,

      Thank you for your comment on this article, Yes, that’s correct.
      May you have a wonderful and prosperous New Year.
      Your feedback is highly appreciated. Thank you.

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