Kameo lost 50 pounds with healthy food and exercise

Kameo lost 50 pounds with healthy food and exercise

Kameo lost 50 pounds with healthy food and exercise. When she started her journey, she felt unhappy and her self-esteem was low. She recommitted to the journey and figured out what works for her.

Kameo before and after

When did you start your journey?
I’ve been on my health journey since January 2020. I’ve lost 50 pounds so far with a goal of 75 pounds. My motivation was how definitely how badly I felt. I was so unhappy when I looked in the mirror or shopped for clothes. My self-esteem was so low, and I didn’t feel sexy or attractive. In pictures, I would hide behind people or try to turn my body. I wanted to feel confident. 

I’ve given up a LOT of times. I’ve even gained some weight back at the end of 2020! Although I kept working out, my nutrition slipped. I recommitted myself at the beginning of 2021 with a 100-day straight workout challenge. 

How do you stay motivated?

I look at me before/after photos to keep me motivated not to go back to a sedentary lifestyle. I also journal, pray and meditate on my health goals like all my other desires for my life. 

How did you change your eating habits?

To help me reach my goals, I knew I had to change the way I was eating. First, cut out sugar and most carbs. I focused on eating real foods, like lots of green veggies and lean meats. I also drink tons of water and take a vitamin pack every day. 

I’m focused on my total health, not just the number on the scale. When I have a sugar craving, I will bake something with sugar and flour alternatives like monk fruit sweetener and almond flour! 

Kameo lost 50 pounds

What does your workout routine consist of?

I work out in the gym at least four times a week at 5 am. It is the only time I could consistently dedicate to working out! I usually spend 1 hour in the gym divided between cardio and strength training. On days I don’t visit the gym, I will do a workout video on YouTube or take my daughter on a bike ride while I walk. During my 100-day challenge, I worked out every day. 

What was your starting weight? What is your current weight?

My starting weight was 311 pounds. My current weight is 261 pounds. I stopped trying to work out for an event or vacation. I stopped idolizing the bodies of Instagram models and celebrities. Kameo lost 50 pounds and also said I made the journey about me. Nobody else. Nothing else.

What is your height?
My height is 5’6″.

What is the biggest lesson you’ve learned so far?
The biggest lesson I’ve learned is that this is a lifelong process, and there’s no such thing as perfect. 

What advice would you like to share with women who want to lose weight?
Imperfectness is the beauty of your journey to a healthier version of yourself. You’ll be able to prove to yourself that thru those curveballs, setbacks, and bumps you have the strength to persevere.


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