Woman display how-Obesity Continues to rise-Alarming Statistics Promote Change

Alarming Statistics Encourage Change as Obesity Rate Continues to Rise

  • Post author:
  • Post published:December 14, 2023
  • Post category:Obesity
  • Reading time:11 mins read

The U.S. is fast becoming one of the oldest and heaviest nations in the world. This is both alarming and an eye-opener for those living in the United States, where obesity rates have skyrocketed in the past year, according to recent statistics compiled by WebMD veteran news writer, Bill Hendrick.

Obesity rates have risen in nearly half of America’s states over the past year, and in 38 states, obesity rates have increased by more than 25%.

The South has the highest obesity rates, with Mississippi earning the dubious title of being the “heavier state in the Union.”

Alarming Statistics.

Even more worrisome, over 10 million children today are either heavier. Or heavier, leading to concerns about health problems appearing in children. And teens that are normally only seen in middle-aged to older individuals.

America is well known as the junk food capital of the world which is a little surprising. Considering that nearly every corner in every city across the United States. Has some sort of fast-food restaurant on it.

Mississippi isn’t the only state with a high percentage of heavier individuals, according to WebMD. Alabama and Tennessee, North Carolina and Michigan, Oklahoma, and Arkansas are also high in obesity rankings.

Furthermore, the need for education increased physical fitness; and resources to battle this rising academic is increasing.

Therefore, more teens, as well as adults of all ages than ever before. Are qualifying for bariatric and obesity weight loss procedures. A common procedure performed for heavier individuals included but is not limited to:

  • Open and Laparoscopic.
  • Adjustable Gastric Band.
  • Roux-en-Y gastric bypass (RYGB)
  • Gastric Sleeve.

– Biliopancreatic Bypass with the Duodenal Switch

Furthermore, individuals considered heavier and who opt for bariatric surgery. Must also be willing to make lifestyle changes in diet and exercise for optimal benefits. And long-term health and wellness.


Bariatric surgery typically recommends. For those who have been unable to lose weight through normal dieting and exercise programs.

Those in danger of heaver-related disease processes such as hypertension or diabetes. Are often encouraged to take steps to get their weight back under control.

Most medical practitioners consider bariatric surgery procedures as a last effort. Helping the severely heavier regain control of their lives requires serious consideration.

Therefore, To facilitate and encourage this some individuals undergo bariatric surgery. Seek the help of therapists and nutritionists to help with this difficult part of the process.

Benefits Of Bariatric Procedures.

Any individual between the age of 15 and 50 years may be a good candidate for gastric bypass surgery.

The procedure is typically for those who are more than 75 pounds heavier. And have a body mass index of 40 to 50 or 35 to 39 with a life-threatening co-morbidity factor. Such as diabetes, heart disease, or orthopedic joint issues.

Weight loss measures may help improve conditions including. High blood cholesterol, high blood pressure, diabetes, and coronary artery disease. In addition, other body systems, including the digestive, endocrine, and immune systems benefit.

Bariatric Surgery Options And Costs.

Several forms of bariatric surgery are available. Restrictive bariatric surgical procedures. Are designed to generally reduce the size of the stomach. And to limit the amount of food a person can eat in one sitting.

Examples of such surgical procedures include lap banding, also known as LAGB. For laparoscopic gastric banding, vertical banded gastroplasty, sleeve gastrectomy, and gastric bypass.

Weight-loss surgical procedures are very expensive in the United States. And may range anywhere, in the Thousands per procedure.

While the benefits in long-term health and quality of life often make such a choice. Not only necessary but reasonable in the long run; funding such procedures is often beyond the means of many individuals.

Gastric bypass surgery using the Roux-en-Y technique may cost as much as $25,000. The same technique performed in India costs roughly $16,500.

While in medical travel destinations in South America, costs may hover around $10,000. And often time includes all-inclusive stay benefits.

Weight-loss treatments and obesity surgeries and procedures in State-of-art Hospitals. And clinics to reduce illness and death caused by obesity.

For many, weight loss improves multiple conditions including. High blood cholesterol, high blood pressure, diabetes, and coronary artery disease.

A Growing Problem: Teen Obesity.

Teen obesity has reached nearly epidemic proportions in recent years. The American Heart Association and the U.S. CDC. state that between 15% and 33% of adolescents in the United States alone are heavier.

The increase in heavier teenagers has also increased the number of teens. Being diagnosed with diabetes, hypertension, high cholesterol, and other physical problems.

Obesity defines as a body weight roughly 10% higher than recommended according to body type and height.

Unfortunately, obesity causes alarming 300,000 deaths annually in the United States alone.  At a cost of nearly 1 billion dollars a year.

According to the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. Medical conditions and disorders are responsible for approximately 1% of all teens diagnosed. For a heavier person; overeating and lack of exercise make up the majority. Major contributing factors to teen obesity include:

–              Low self-esteem

–              Lack of exercise

–              Poor eating and nutritional habits

One can argue that the plethora of fast-food restaurants on every corner has contributed. The general rise in weight in teens is caused by high-fat, high-calorie, and high-sugar menu items.

In addition to the physical manifestations that obesity. May cause, teens who are heavier may also experience emotional difficulties.

That is when coupled with obesity. May cause anxiety, depression, withdrawal, lack of self-confidence, and self-esteem. And even the development of some obsessive-compulsive disorders.

Treatment Of Obesity In Teens.

Obesity in teens may treat with a variety of options, from medications to surgery.

However, any weight loss treatment for teenagers should focus on providing long-term benefits. That includes education regarding exercise programs. Building healthy and nutritional dietary habits, and family support.

Weight loss treatment centers and support groups are a growing popular option among teenagers. As our adolescent weight loss and obesity surgical procedures.

Nevertheless, teen bariatric surgical procedures represent less than 1% of weight-loss surgical procedures. Based on the Archives of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine.

In most cases, bariatric surgeons will only recommend bariatric surgical procedures. If weight may potentially cause more harm to the teenager’s health than potential surgery risks.

Still, gastric banding is one of the most commonly done weight-loss surgical procedures for teens.

Coupled with a multi-disciplinary approach to weight loss and weight loss management that includes nutritional education.

By certified nutritionists, psychological counseling by trained. And experienced psychologists, and certified fitness instructors.

Considerations For Teen Obesity Surgery.

Meanwhile, The American Academy of Pediatrics revised its guidelines. Under which teenagers might be a review for weight loss surgery. These guidelines include:

–              Failure, following six or more months, of a continuous attempt at weight loss or weight management programs.

–              Requiring the teen to have attained full skeletal growth. Meaning 13 years of age or older for girls, and 15 years of age or older for boys.

–            Body mass index (BMI) is greater than 40 with an obesity-related problem. Such as diabetes, sleep apnea, high blood pressure, joint problems, or breathing difficulties. Among others to be determined by the teenager’s physician.

A teenager undergoing weight loss treatments or procedures should be willing.  Able and mature enough to maintain a strict nutritional diet that adheres. To bariatric surgery guidelines following surgery such as gastric bypass or lap banding.

The two most commonly performed weight-loss surgical procedures for teens. Therefore, have included the Roux-en-Y gastric bypass and adjustable gastric banding procedure.

Roux-en-Y gastric bypass involves stapling a portion of the stomach. And attaching a Y-shaped section of the small intestine to the newly created stomach pouch.

So food bypasses the first portion of the intestine, reducing the amount of food digested and absorbed by the body.

Lap banding utilizes the placement of an elastic band around a portion of the stomach. To decrease its size, However, this procedure is adjustable and removable.

In Conclusion

Meanwhile, bariatric surgery may provide physical benefits and aid in weight loss endeavors for teenagers.

However, Such procedures must be incorporated into education. Counseling and support to be successful and to encourage long-term weight loss and weight loss maintenance.

Finally, Advanced Medical Group (AMG). Is a leader in the prevention and treatment of degenerative disease processes. Weight Loss Surgery,

Obesity Surgery utilizing sophisticated holistic medicine. Combined with the latest in surgical and pharmacological medicine.

Obesity Continues to Rising Alarming Statistics. by Johnson Author

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